Welcome To Healthy Bodies

A Luxury Health Care Experience For Adults That Will Help You Eliminate Your Medical & Dental Problems.

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could Medical & Dental Problems Be Destroying your Body

Do your gums bleed sometimes? Is your blood sugar levels higher than normal? Is your weight more than is should be? Are your teeth broken or discolored? These are just a few of the signs that your body uses to let you know that you are developing disease. These are common medical and dental problems and if not identified and eliminated will destroy your body. The good news is that most medical and dental problems adults face can be effective treated. 

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Have You Felt Sick, Lost Teeth Gained Weight, felt Tooth Pain?

Medical and dental problems disrupt the lives adults in many ways. Adults who are overweight often develop diabetes which can then cause teeth loss. Adults who are without teeth are disabled from fully enjoying their food and develop problems with their digestive system. Digestive system illness such as acid reflux can cause damage to teeth and teeth damage can lead to tooth decay. This is just one example of how medical and dental problems are connected. Several researchers have found that bacterial infection of the gums and teeth are also associated with problems of the heart, lungs, kidneys and preterm labor complications. Having heart, lungs, kidneys problems can destroy your life.

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Don't Let Your Medical & Dental Problems Ruin Your Life

We all know people who have had medical and dental problems and probably have wondered if they did not have those problems who would they be? What type of life could they have. What If Micheal J Fox didn't have Parkinson's disease? What if Micheal Jackson never had vitiligo or Magic Johnson, Freddie Mercury didn't have HIV. Each of these people had medical and dental problems just like us of will. But will you allow them to ruin your life? If you don't solve both medical and dental problems you could become disabled or at worst die from preventable disease. Don't let medical and dental problems ruin your life.

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We Can Help You Eliminate Your Medical & Dental Problems

We have a solution that will help you succeed at having a health body. For nearly 20 years now we have been helping many adults find a way to identify and solve their medical and dental problems. Overtime we have learned so much from our patients and the advances in medicine and dentistry. Using what we have learned we created a unique set of services that will first, thoroughly evaluate the health of your body to find medical and dental problems. Next we will use what we learn about you, your preferences and our expertise in both internal medicine and dentistry to develop a course of action that will help you eliminate your medical & dental problems. With our integrated medical and dental approach you will be able to achieve your goals of optimizing your internal health and making you teeth look fantastic.

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Give Us Just Three Hours & We Will Help You Change Your Life

Meet with us and we will show you how you can achieve a healthy glow. For all new patients we're offering our Ultimate Body Exam (a 450 dollar value) and 1 additional personal consultation with our doctor (a 250 dollar value), a total value of 700 dollars for only 325 dollars. If you are and existing patient who has not completed our Ultimate Body Exam in the 12 months we're offering you our Ultimate Body Exam for only 250 dollars ( a 450 dollar value). Completing our Ultimate Body Exam will allow you to know exactly what your medical and dental problems are. It will also serve as a starting point on how to solve them. You will get to see both the doctor and the dentist and discuss with them in details your ideas and their ideas that will help you achieve your healthy body.

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If Your Bold, Choose A New Path And Give Us A Call Today

Let's meet together and start solving your medical and dental problems. What do you have to lose? Continuing on your current path probably won't give you different results. You may likely continue to suffer from medical problems, dental problems that will ruin your life. Don't wait until these problems make your life more miserable. Be Bold and choose a new path. Start by calling us today. Call us at 813-540-5005 and reserve your spot to complete our Ultimate Body Exam. Call Today. 

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