Coronavirus Courtesy of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH) / Public domain
- Wash Your Hand With Soap & Water For 20 Seconds Or More.
- If Soap & Water Is Not Available Use Hand Sanitizer With At Least 60% Alcohol content.
- Avoid Sick People With Flu Like Symptoms.
- If You Are Sick Stay Home Until You Recover.
- If You Are Concerned You Have Coronavirus Call A Doctor.
What Is The Coronavirus
The Coronaviruses are a group of virus that infect both humans and animals. The most common Coronavirus infect humans yearly. There are 4 types. However Coronavirus 19 is a new virus to infect humans. It’s believed that the virus was spread from animal to human in China. Coronavirus 19 is more similar to the S.A.R.S. virus or the M.E.R.S. virus. The viruses are believed to spread through respiratory droplets i.g. (sneezing, coughing). The Coronavirus 19 can be deadly to people especially people with pre-existing illnesses and weakened immune system. Symptoms can include fever, chills, muscle aches, shortness of breath, cough and diarrhea. Symptoms can last at least 14 days. The Coronavirus has spread all over the world.